Good Friday morning soul sista!

Last week I told you I had a date – he showed up, it was good.

Being a nerdy therapist, one of my questions on said date was, “If money was no object, what would you do with your life?”

It was cool that he had an answer about how he would spend his days, doing things that he truly wanted to do – things that would make his heart happy.

This is a question I’ve been asking myself each year since 2008. And each year I’m living more and more of that life – a life that calms my body, makes my heart happy and nourishes my soul.

part of my ideal day included living 30 minutes away from this magnificent location

part of my ideal day included living 30 minutes away from this magnificent location

The sad news is that many people don’t know what they REALLY want, what living a value based lifestyle would look like. What would make their body calm, heart happy and soul filled.

Here’s a strategy I use with patients to help them figure out what their ideal life would include. Because this is really the hardest part. Once you have that clear vision, that idea of what you REALLY want to do during your time on this planet, then the rest is gravy:)

Okay – here’s what you do!

Step One (i’m such an old nerd – EVERY time I stay “step one” I want to finish with the New Kids on the Block… “we can have lots of fun!”. haha)

Alright for realz…

Step One – take a piece of paper, or a journal, and find yourself a spot to spend a bit of time reflecting.

Step Two – Imagine it’s exactly two years from this day – so if you do it today, imagine it’s October 9th, 2017.

Step Three – What would an ideal day look like? A typical day – not some amazing vacation.

Think of the following and write it out:

When you wake up, what would you see? Who would be around you? What are you wearing? How does your body feel? What is your mood like? What are you exciting about doing that day?

How is your morning spent? What kind of clothes are you wearing? How are you moving your body? What are you eating? Who is there? What passion are you filling? Are you helping the world or caring for loved ones – both are 100% important.

How is your afternoon spent? Are you alone or with others. What role are you filling? How does this role fit with your values? What is your energy level at? How do you feel (physically and emotionally).

It’s evening now, who is with you? Have you planned a healthy, home cooked meal, or do you have plans to go out? What types of topics are you discussing with the people around you? What’s making you smile? How happy are you, right now, because you’ve created this life? What does that feel like?

It’s bed time… maybe that’s sexy time, or rest time, or feed baby time, or bubble bath time. It’s your life, how do you want your nights to unfold. What are you grateful for from that day? How do you feel? What are you excited about doing tomorrow when you wake up.

Step Four: Write down how these goals fit with your values so you know you’re designing a value based lifestyle that will truly nourish your soul.

Step Five: Think about the smallest action you can take, this week, to move towards that day. And each week from then on, review your ideal day and come up with the next smallest action you can take. Do this each week and before you know it, you’ll be living the dream.

I created my Facebook group A Calmer, Happier, Stress-Free you for people other soul sistas who want to have a calm body, a happy heart and a nourished soul.

Come on over and share your soul nourishing lifestyle with me:)

With gratitude,

PS… Now you might feel like you REALLY need to hear some old school New Kids On The Block – here’s the video. My 11 year old self is swooning:)