Last year I was diagnosed with adenomyosis, which means that some months it feels like my uterus is trying to take me down. Last night was no exception. No worries – mindfulness meditation to the rescue!

Awareness of Hormones

The good thing about this diagnosis is that I began to research hormones and how they change throughout the month, depending on where I am in my cycle.

I read a great book called Woman Code that helped me to learn how to live in sync with my cycle.  I now have more self-compassion for my body during my menstrual period and give it what it needs.

Tough it Out?

If you’re like many women, when the cramps start you may be likely to hold your breath or tense your body until they pass.  That’s what I used to do – just try to ride them out.

This can actually make the pain more intense.  What you resist, persists. This is where mindfulness meditation for menstrual cramps can help.


taken during my walking meditation

taken during my mindful walk


The power of breath


The next time you have cramps, try to open you body and breath into your abdomen and lower back.  Try to release the tension and calm the region.

At first this may feel counter intuitive.  It may seem like you are opening your body for pain, but the pain is likely to pass more quickly if you accept that it is there and just keep giving your body slow, deep breaths.


Pain VS. Suffering


I would also invite you to take this time when you are breathing into your body, to see what type of thoughts you are having about the pain.

Are you feeling angry about it?  Are you “shoulding” all over yourself thinking you shouldn’t have to deal with this.

Pain is one thing – suffering is another.

Pain is the physical sensation you are experiencing as your body moves through your cycle.

Suffering is cause by the thoughts and emotions you have about the pain.


How Mindfulness Meditation Helps


Mindfulness meditation helps to recognize those thoughts that cause suffering and let them go, which lets the suffering go.

In the past my thoughts would have gone something like this,

“Uggh- I hate this pain.  It feels like my stomach is being scraped out like a Halloween pumpkin.  I can’t go to the gym or for a run.  I should just stay home and watch netflix and eat chocolate all night”.

Last night I thought,

“Okay, my body is not at full capacity,  but it will benefit from some type of mindful movement. If I go for a walk I will feel better and I will sleep better and a walk is better than sitting on the couch eating chocolate.”

 This is how mindfulness meditation helps me keep a happy & healthy lifestyle.


Walking Meditation

Mindful Walking


Mindful Walking Meditation


This lead to a nice 45 minute slow walk outside, up some hills, through some nature.  I took the time to pay attention to the things I saw – homes, gardens, flowers.  I noticed the smells, the feel of the wind on my face and the other people walking their dogs.

Every few minutes I made sure I was taking full, deep, slow breaths and relaxing my abdominal and lower back region.   If my mind moved into judgmental thoughts, I just brought it back to the present moment.


Yoga for Menstrual Cramps


Another great option is yoga for menstrual cramps – my favorite online yogi is Adriene at Yoga With Adriene  Check out her video here


Remember that your body deserves some nourishment, so regardless of what you choose to do, choose to give your body some TLC for the first few days of menstruation.

How do you handle cramps?

Now I’d love to hear how you take care of yourself – what is your favorite way you deal with any physical or emotional (sadness, worry) discomfort that comes with your cycle?
Leave a comment below and share your wisdom with others!
Peace & Love,