Today I want to send out a quick assessment so you can check in on how mindful you are.

To be mindful means to be aware of your present moment experience.

This means you are aware of the types of thoughts you are having, such as “I’m grateful to be able to take a few moments to breathe fresh air and look at the flowers” or “why can’t this jerk drive properly?!?”.

Just because you are mindful, doesn’t mean that you will only have rainbow and butterfly thoughts, but at least you are aware of them.

Being on autopilot is the opposite of being mindful. Being on autopilot is when you get to a destination and realize you have no recollection of the drive there.

Or your day has blown by and you only remember different emotions (rushed, frustrated, angry, scared) but don’t remember being conscious of your thoughts or actions.

Autopilot can rob you of the many small pleasures you might experience throughout the day.

took these on my lunch time walk yesterday

(took this on my lunch time walk yesterday)

But it also robs you of the ability to “play” with your thoughts and emotions in a health way, which in best case scenarios can lead to stress, and in worst case scenarios can lead to anxiety and depression.

By “play” I mean, giving yourself space between you and your thoughts. Thoughts are not facts. I repeat, thoughts are NOT facts.

Just because you think something, doesn’t mean it’s a fact. BUT your body will react to your thoughts like they are facts and then create the emotion that goes with that thought.

For example, I have a date tonight. Let’s imagine my date is 10 minute late and I haven’t heard from him. One of my thoughts could be “That $#%D is standing me up!” and my emotions would be hurt and anger.

And my actions would probably be something very unladylike.

With mindfulness, I have the ability to step away from my thoughts, “He might stand me up or he might be stuck in traffic…. or maybe he’s buying me flowers!”. Now my emotions are much more neutral and I’m curious instead of angry and hurt.

See how mindfulness works!

You can download this mindfulness assessment to see just how mindful you are.

Come on over to the Facebook Page, share your score, and share your goal for increasing your mindfulness!


PS… send good energy that my date show up tonight:)

PPS… Next week I will send out an email with info for my two free webinars coming up Living With Anxiety and Clinician Wellness: Managing Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout.