For clients and helping professionals

Free eBook The Art of Saying “No” With Grace and Respect
I wrote this book as I’ve been teaching these strategies to clients for over 10 years and I see such powerful changes in their lives when they learn how to set boundaries without feeling guilty.
While this book is directed towards women, it’s equally applicable for men who struggles to say “no”. It contains specific, practice strategies you can begin implementing immediately.
“This book was just like her talking to me as a counselor would, as if I were in the same room with her. It made it more personal. That was very helpful. Also, the strategy for me to stop and examine the ‘no’ situations before I deal with them, helped put my fears in better perspective. It’s not easy for guys to admit they have a hard time saying no, so having this ‘tool’ book that I can work at in my privacy is exactly what I needed. Thanks Charlene :)” Jack Meyers
“I loved the book so much it makes sense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be reading it again . [There are] links in the book to some websites from the author .🌺💐🌸” Kindle Customer
“The focus of this book is on this simple solution towards saying no. It talks to women, but the issue exists with men as well.
As the author says, it’s a simple process, and I believe it can be as easy as one wishes to make it. As with all habit changes, it takes practice. Start by breathing and then doing it…. it always comes back to the old wisdom of think before you act.” Mario MJ Perron

20 Quick Strategies to Help Patients and Clients Manage Stress.
I wrote the book because over the past 4 years, since I began working in doctor’s office with other health care professionals (nurses, pharmacists, dieticians, diabetes educators, respiratory educators, community support workers, doctors, medical students and social workers), I was being approached with the same question, “I have a patient who is pretty stressed, but won’t come see you (either because of time or stigma), can you show me a quick strategy to help her manage stress?”.
So I wrote a book with the 20 most common strategies I’ve used with people for over a decade. I included scripts, downloadable handouts and audio recording for relaxation strategies.